Möchtest du Teil unseres dynamischen Teams werden? Werde Teil des Impact Hub Basel und trage mit deinen Talenten zur Nachhaltigkeit und globalen Wirkung bei.

Zurzeit haben wir keine offenen Stellen, jedoch freuen wir uns über spontane Bewerbungen. Schicke uns gerne deinen Motivationsbrief, und wir werden ihn für zukünftige Gelegenheiten aufbewahren.

We welcome people from all backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and experiences. Impact Hub is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate based on race, colour, ancestry, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital or family status, disability, gender identity or expression. Research has shown that some applicants from more marginalised or vulnerable groups do not apply if they do not meet 100% of the criteria while those from better-off, educated backgrounds apply even if they only meet 60% of the criteria. If you are in doubt but feel any of our job openings are a fit for you and in line with your own learning goals, please apply! All applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

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