Tired after a long day working in our coworking space at Dreispitz, Basel? Hungry and want to explore offers around our space? Impact Hub Basel has you covered with the best options for everything food, fun and fashion in Dreispitz.
A: Auf dem Wolf for some bargain second-hand finds – clothes, furniture and more!
B: Bowling Center Basel to rock some stylish shoes and have fun with friends
C: Café spurlos for some guilt-free drinks and food, spacious terrace, as well as groovy Afterwork beats
D: Delinat to pick up some great wine from producers who care about sustainability (some are even vegan too!)
E: Elysia to listen and dance to some sick beats
F: Fachhochschule Nordwest Schweiz to meet for lunch and learn about all things digital and design
G: Garage Basilisk in case your car needs some tender love and care
H: HEK to interact with electronic art
I: iart to visit a local design agency dealing with digital technology
J: Jobfactory for a quick meal or gift – they have everything from clothes to baby products to musical instruments
K: Kunsthaus Baselland to explore regional contemporary art
L: Laurenz-Stiftung Schaulager for multi-sensory contemporary projects
M: Merian Gärten for a dose of greenery and beautiful flowers
N: Crazy Nails because you might want to feel dressed up even when you’re naked!
O: Offcut to bring and/or buy unconventional materials
P: Point de vue so you can rent equipment to make all your filmmaker dreams come true
Q: Qualipet because our pets need food and fun (and sometimes fashion) too!
R: Alterna Recording Studios for all your rockin’ musical production needs
S: Sport Museum to learn more about sports equipment, and experience the “mobile museum”
T: Thüring AG, flooring store if you’re in the midst of a fabulous home make-over project
U: “Unglaublich gross Auswahl” of second-hand goods at Heilsarmee Brocki
V: Viertel for some after-afterwork festivities
W: Werner Druck & Medien to print out the posters for that film you’re making (see P)
X: Radio X to hear some great music, and a segment featuring Impact Hub Basel’s very own Carrie Aikman
Y: TanzStudio You Dance, put on your dancing shoes!
Z: Basel DreispitZ, the tram/bus stop to use for all this exploration…have fun!
Caroline Steiblin & Carrie Aikman