Have you ever seen a film about climate change and walked away feeling empowered and a bit giddy? If you answered no, well, that’s hardly surprising. It’s sort of overwhelming, to say the least, and a topic that seems like it should be aggressively addressed, oh, I don’t know, like, yesterday. But if you attended our April event, in which we showed the documentary “Tomorrow” you likely answered with an enthusiastic “Yes, I have, Carrie!” Whaaaat?!
It’s true.
While “Tomorrow” is not the first movie about global warming, or the first to emphasize the need for action, it IS one of the few (that I’ve seen anyway) that inspires the viewer to take action in such an uplifting, hopeful way. Rather than focus on the negative, the filmmakers highlighted positive examples of everyday people all around the globe who are doing what they can locally, and realizing that a little can indeed go a long way.
A favorite among the attendees was “Incredible Edibles,” which began in Todmorden.
This ingenious movement was the brainchild of two women who decided not to ‘save the planet’—as that was simply too grand—but to just start.
Where they were.
They began by holding a public meeting. They asked, “Do you want to have a great future for your kids? Do you want to think about food?”, and 60 people showed up! They came up with the name, and began creating ‘propaganda gardens’ all around town, in unused space…a strip of grass by the road, a tiny bit by a doctor’s office or parking lot…and viola! A movement began!
But this film did not only discuss ideas around food. They looked at what individuals were doing in education, government, energy, city planning….and you know what? These people were relatable. They were me. They are you. We do not need to be an expert in economy, or hold a Masters Degree in Horticulture, we just need to have passion and gumption. And just start.
Where you are.
Join the movement and find ways to ACT.
Carrie Aikman
Marina and Etienne, our Popcorn Masters!