Can one learn how to be an innovative entrepreneur? YES! This is why most startup support programs also focus on educational aspects. Usually these programs aim at startups in specific development stages (early-stage vs. scaling-up). However, some programs are following a more modular approach that aims at facilitating the path of becoming an entrepreneur and participants can join at different phases.
Since the beginning of 2020, Impact Hub Zürich co-facilitates with the ZHAW two of the consecutive four modules of the Innosuisse Startup Training. These two modules have the objective to promote entrepreneurship through motivational events (module 1), teach the tools to set and run a business and encourage the participants to make the leap to founding a business (module 2). These modules are addressed to members of universities as well as alumni and others interested in science-based entrepreneurship. The modules 3 and 4 aim at newly founded businesses who are facing challenges, barriers and opportunities on their way of growth. All modules all offered in several locations in Switzerland.
AgroSustain, a start-up launched in 2018, is successfully progressing from one growth phase to the next. Backed by the various levels of support that Innosuisse provides to young researchers, the company is seeking to market biological pesticides made from vegetal extracts.
Besides the Start-up Trainings, Innosuisse offers other more tailor-made support such as the Startup Coaching, where experienced business coaches advise and support start-ups during their founding and developing process and accompany their sustainable growth. These coachings in turn, give you access to internationalisation camps as well as to international trade fairs, where the Swiss start-ups can meet and network with many potential partners and other stakeholders.
More information about the Innosuisse support offers for future entrepreneurs and start-ups are available online.